Thursday, February 17, 2011

Should I wear mom jeans too?

So I have to say... I might just buy a mini van! I really really am trying to talk myself out of it! I think it is so not cool, I can't help but think about all of the Moms that drove those in the 90's that wore knee socks, bermuda shorts, turtle necks, dickie's, or *gasp* MOM JEANS while driving their family van proudly from school to extra curricular activities.... but  it's the most practical thing to drive when you have kids, and when you don't have a crap load of money to spend on a 7 passenger SUV! Does this mean I am going to be super uncool?? Have you seen how far the mini van has come? They are actually making them pretty pimped out....

Okay so let's get things straight- I'm not in LOVE with the looks... It's not that bad for a van. What I'm in love with is the amount of space that it provides, the fact that there is room for 7 and still enough trunk space for luggage,strollers, and groceries, it's easy to get the kids and carseats in and out of,  It has heated leather seats, and *gasp again* TV SCREENS. Oh, the TV screens that I thought I would NEVER need with a car are now looking better and better as it's necessary for our family to drive a LONG 12 hours to Wyoming to see loved ones. And as we all know entertained children are happy children, and happy children are quiet children. Happy children mean happy parents.... ahhhh I can picture it now. So as uncool as I may be driving a mini van and wearing my mom jeans I will take one for the team and get myself a mini van.... I mean motherhood is all about making sacrifices right?!?
The Nissan Quest is what I am looking at. Pretty sweet ride.... even sweeter are my jeans, but that's a whole new blog!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Top 5 Places I have to see!

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.  Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime."  ~Mark Twain

I  remember when Justin and I were flying to Vegas for our wedding, we sat next to a guy who told us.... No matter if you have money or not you have to travel, travel, travel, and travel even more when you have kids! I wish it were that easy.... but I think eventually we will be able to travel and when that day comes I have 5 places already picked out!






"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."  ~St. Augustine

Sunday, February 13, 2011

All you need is love!

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."  ~Author Unknown

Valentine's Day card making time!

Reece was very serious about this card making stuff! Sean had a lot of fun with it!

Love the markers on the face.... This is an everyday occurrence with her

We sure do miss cousin Alex.

 Valentines Day is just one of those days that I never really got into. Maybe now that I have Sean and Reece I will get more excited about this day. Although I do have some great childhood memories of Valentines Day. These memories really stick out in my mind and sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday! My favorite memory of Valentines Day is going to my grandparents house and getting these big blow up hearts that said on them... I love you this much! I still have the picture in my head of all of us laying on them in front of the TV. Funny how such a little thing like that is my greatest and most favorite memory of Valentines Day! I guess it IS all about the little things in life! Seems like the littlest moments really are what we cherish the most.....

Something little that I truly cherish is listening to Sean and Reece interact and talk to each other! This morning Justin and I were laying in bed just listening to them in there room. Reece was telling Sean she had dropped her Binky... she was trying very hard to talk Sean into getting up and getting it for her. Sean yelled back at her " REECE I TIRED!" Justin and I just laid there laughing! Sean never did get Reece her Binky.... I guess he really was just too tired!

Friday, February 11, 2011

My most favorite people!

My boy Sean Parker... Sean is the most loving, compassionate little boy. Always making sure  his sister Reece is taken care of, always asking if we are okay....  His compassion just amazes me for only being 2!Since he was a baby he had a smile that just lit up a room! Everywhere we went people would always comment on his great smile and his beautiful blue eyes. I think we might have a little heart breaker!!

My blue eyed boy at 10 months old.

Sean is a natural athlete (I know I know doesn't every Mom think there child is the best) But seriously his athletic ability is so far advanced... he has been kicking a soccer ball, dribbling a basketball, hitting a baseball, and throwing a football since he was about 18 months old! He loves sports, playing outside, bikes, trains, trucks, tractors, and most importantly he loves his sister Reece... I can already tell that they have a truly special bond! He is our Boogie and we love him more than words could ever say!

My girl Reece Madison...  Our little stinker! She came fast and has not slowed down since... crawling at 6 months, walking at 11 months! She is a girl with no fear and is always up to something.... She is also the sweetest girl in the world. Always giving the best hugs and kisses. We love her so much! She makes me smile everyday, My favorite time is getting her out of her crib in the morning, and seeing her smiling face behind the Binky of course. She loves Elmo, Barney, playing with her brothers cars, dancing, running, jumping, and playing with Sean who is her very best friend! She brings complete joy to our lives!

And last but certainly not least. My love...Justin! He is such an amazing husband and father... He works very hard everyday so that I can stay home with our kids..... Probably the best gift anyone can ever give! He loves his kids more than anything and his first priority is his family. Sometimes I think I get caught up in life and the little things... the things that are not important and I forget to just sit back and realize how truly lucky I am! I need to tell my husband more often how much I do appreciate him and how much I love him! He is definitely my very best friend!!