Thursday, February 17, 2011

Should I wear mom jeans too?

So I have to say... I might just buy a mini van! I really really am trying to talk myself out of it! I think it is so not cool, I can't help but think about all of the Moms that drove those in the 90's that wore knee socks, bermuda shorts, turtle necks, dickie's, or *gasp* MOM JEANS while driving their family van proudly from school to extra curricular activities.... but  it's the most practical thing to drive when you have kids, and when you don't have a crap load of money to spend on a 7 passenger SUV! Does this mean I am going to be super uncool?? Have you seen how far the mini van has come? They are actually making them pretty pimped out....

Okay so let's get things straight- I'm not in LOVE with the looks... It's not that bad for a van. What I'm in love with is the amount of space that it provides, the fact that there is room for 7 and still enough trunk space for luggage,strollers, and groceries, it's easy to get the kids and carseats in and out of,  It has heated leather seats, and *gasp again* TV SCREENS. Oh, the TV screens that I thought I would NEVER need with a car are now looking better and better as it's necessary for our family to drive a LONG 12 hours to Wyoming to see loved ones. And as we all know entertained children are happy children, and happy children are quiet children. Happy children mean happy parents.... ahhhh I can picture it now. So as uncool as I may be driving a mini van and wearing my mom jeans I will take one for the team and get myself a mini van.... I mean motherhood is all about making sacrifices right?!?
The Nissan Quest is what I am looking at. Pretty sweet ride.... even sweeter are my jeans, but that's a whole new blog!

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